Thursday, July 22, 2010

First craft fair...

It's official! I will be doing a craft fair in August - the Hawthorne Street Fair in Portland, Oregon to be specific. I just got the "okay" from the folks organizing it that my partner in crime (WriteOwl Designs) and I will be actual vendors in only 3 weeks.

I'm excited, terrified, overwhelmed - a whole number of things really, but I must be prepared. And I think the best thing to do (for my own sanity) is to document the event. The planning, the prep, everything.

And if you have any where to find a EZ Pop Up tent for under $200? Or how much cash to bring? Please let me know!


  1. I have no advice to give, because I don't know anything, but I do wish you luck!

  2. good luck. Make sure you know what is required for being a biz in your state. Make sure you understand your responsabilities as far as use and sale tax or whatever they call it there. Have biz cards on hand. Get a bunch of paper lunchbags and a stamp with your name, www and logo on it. have a bowl of one dollar items for people.

    You should jingle with coins and have a fist sized roll of ones and another of fives.

    But more importantly, get names and contact info from other vendors, talk about other venues with them, network, trade goods and cards, and keep a book with pen out for customers to supply you with contact info.

    Connections are one of the biggest bargins you'll find at this sort of thing.



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